Vegetables Scientific Name: Scientists have given a scientific name to everyone to clear their confusion so that they can easily identify things. Nowadays many people need these scientific names, especially the children asked about all these in their exams. Goes further, and for those people who are preparing for government jobs, this post is very important because, in their exams, scientific names of vegetables and fruits are often asked.
In this, we have given almost all kinds of scientific names of vegetables and fruits and some scientific names of plants.
List of Vegetables Scientific Name
Vegetables Picture | Vegetables Name English–Hindi | Vegetables Scientific Name |
POTATO (आलू) | Solanum tuberosum | |
TOMATO (टमाटर) | Solanum lycopersicum | |
Onion (प्याज) | Allium cepa | |
Spinach (पालक) | Spinacia oleracea | |
Turnip (शलगम) | Brassica rapa subsp. rapa | |
Turmeric (हल्दी) | Curcuma longa | |
Sweet Potato (शकरकंद) | Ipomoea batatas | |
Green Onion (हरा प्याज) | Allium fistulosum | |
Pumpkin (कद्दू) | Cucurbita | |
Garlic (लहशुन) | Allium sativum | |
Fenugreek Leaf (हरी मेथी) | Trigonella foenum-graecum | |
Green Chilli (हरी मिर्च) | Capsicum frutescens | |
Radish (मूली) | Raphanus sativus | |
Ginger (अदरक) | Ginger | |
Green Beans (फलियाँ) | Phaseolus vulgaris | |
Jackfruit (कटहल) | Artocarpus heterophyllus | |
Mushroom (कुम्भी, खुखड़ी) | Agaricus bisporus | |
Lady Finger (भिन्डी) | Abelmoschus esculentus | |
Corn(मक्का) | Zea mays | |
Mustard Greens (सरशो पत्ता) | Brassica juncea | |
Snake Gourd (चिचिंडा, चचेंडा) | Trichosanthes cucumerina | |
Pointed Gourd (परवल, पटल) | Trichosanthes dioica | |
Peppermint (पुदीना) | Mentha × piperita | |
Zucchini(तोरी) | Cucurbita pepo | |
Red Chilli (लाल मिर्च) | Capsicum annuum. | |
Peas (मटर) | Pisum sativum | |
Ridged Gourd (तोरी, झींगी) | Luffa acutangula | |
Curry Leaf (कढ़ी पत्ता) | Murraya koenigii | |
Cucumber (खीरा) | Cucumis sativus | |
Coriander Leaf (हरा धनिया पत्ता) | Coriandrum sativum | |
Chilli (मिर्च) | Capsicum frutescens | |
Chickpeas, Gram (चना) | Cicer arietinum | |
Bottle Gourd (लौकी, कद्दू, घिया) | Lagenaria siceraria | |
Celery (आजमोदा) | Apium graveolens | |
Cauliflower (फूल गोभी) | Brassica oleracea var. botrytis | |
Bitter Gourd (करेला) | Momordica charantia | |
Capsicum (शिमला मिर्च) | Capsicum annuum Group | |
Cabbage (पत्ता गोभी) | Brassica oleracea var. capitata | |
Brinjal (बैगन) | Solanum melongena | |
Arrowroot (अरारोट, शिशुमुल) | Maranta arundinacea | |
Black Pepper (काली मिर्च) | Piper nigrum | |
Amaranth Leaves (हरी चोलाई) | Amaranthus | |
Bell Pepper (शिमला मिर्च) | Capsicum annuum Group | |
Beetroot (चकुंद) | Beta vulgaris | |
Tendli (कुंदरू) | Coccinia | |
Fava Beans (बाकला, शेम फली) | Vicia faba | |
Carrot (गाजर) | Daucus carota subsp. sativus | |
Red cabbage (लाल पत्तागोभी) | Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra | |
Colocasia, Taro root (कांदु, कचालू) | Colocasia esculenta | |
Yam (जिमीकंद) | Dioscorea | |
Raw Papaya (कच्चा पपीता) | Carica papaya | |
Raw Banana (कच्चा केला) | Musa | |
Eggplant (बैगन) | Solanum melongena | |
Broccoli (हरी गोभी) | Brassica oleracea var. italica | |
List of Scientific Name of Fruits
Fruits Picture | Fruits Name English–Hindi | Fruits Scientific Name |
Apple (शेब) | Malus domestica | |
Banana (केला) | Musa | |
Pineapple (अनानास) | Ananas comosus | |
Mango (आम) | Mangifera | |
Coconut (नारियल) | Cocos nucifera | |
Papaya (पपीता) | Carica papaya | |
Orange (संतरा) | Citrus X sinensis | |
Watermelon (तरबूज) | Citrullus lanatus | |
Apricots (खुबानी) | Prunus armeniaca | |
Avocado (मक्खनफल) | Persea americana | |
Lemon (निम्बू) | Citrus × limon | |
Wood Apple (बेल) | Limonia acidissima | |
Guava (अमरुद) | Psidium | |
Barberry (दारुहल्दी) | Berberis | |
Fig Fruit (फिग फ्रूट) | Ficus carica | |
Blackberry (जामुन) | Rubus | |
Cherry (चेरी फल) | Prunus avium | |
Black Currant (फालशेब) | Ribes nigrum | |
Dragon Fruit (ड्रैगन फल) | Selenicereus undatus | |
Custard Apple (सरीफा ) | Annona reticulata | |
Blueberry (ब्लुबेर्री) | Cyanococcus | |
Date fruit (खजूर) | Phoenix dactylifera | |
Lichi (लीची) | Litchi chinensis | |
Peach (आडू) | Prunus persica | |
Olive fruit (जैतून का फल) | Olea europaea | |
Grapes (अंगूर) | Vitis vinifera | |
Mulberry (शहतूत) | Morus | |
Plum (बेर) | Prunus domestica | |
Jackfruit (कटहल) | Artocarpus heterophyllus | |
Sapota (चीकू) | Manilkara zapota | |
Pear (नाशपति) | Pyrus communis | |
Pomegranate (अनार) | Punica granatum | |
Acai Berry (काला जामुन ) | Syzygium cumini | |
Tamarind (इमली) | Tamarindus indica | |
jujube (बेर) | Ziziphus | |
persimmon (तेंदू फल) | Diospyros kaki | |
Sweet Lime (मौसंबी) | Citrus limetta | |
muskmelon (खरबूजा) | Cucumis melo | |
Water Caltrop (सिंघाड़ा) | Trapa natans | |
raspberry (रसभरी) | Rubus idaeus | |
strawberry (स्ट्रॉबेरी) | Fragaria × ananassa | |
pineberry (पाइन बेरी) | Fragaria x ananassa ‘Pineberry’ | |
kiwi (कीवी) | Actinidia chinensis | |
cranberry (क्रैनबेर्री) | Vaccinium subg. Oxycoccu | |
sugar cane (गन्ना) | Saccharum officinarum | |
palmyra fruit (ताड़ का फल) | Borassus flabellifer | |
dates (खजूर) | Phoenix dactylifera | |
mandarin (किन्नू) | Citrus reticulata | |
Pithecellobium dulce (जंगल जलेबी) |
Manila tamarind |
List of Scientific Name of Dry Fruits
Dry Fruits Picture | Dry Fruits Name English–Hindi | Dry Fruits Scientific Name |
Almond (बादाम) | Prunus dulcis | |
Cashews (काजू) | Anacardium occidentale | |
Walnut (अखरोट) | Juglans regia | |
Pistachio (पिस्ता) | Pistacia vera | |
Raisins (किशमिश) | Vitis Vinifera | |
cashew apple (काजू फल) | Anacardium occidentale |
List of Scientific Name of Plants and Trees
Plants and Trees Picture | Plants and Trees Name English–Hindi | Plants and Trees Scientific Name |
Tulsi | Ocimum tenuiflorum | |
Rose | Rosa | |
Peepal | Ficus religiosa | |
Tea | Camellia sinensis | |
Sunflower | Helianthus | |
Neem | Azadirachta indica | |
Tobacco | Nicotiana | |
Bamboo | Bambusa vulgaris | |
Banyan | Ficus benghalensis | |
Saffron | Crocus sativus | |
Sugarcane | Saccharum officinarum | |
Cotton | Gossypium |
In this post, we provide you with all kinds of scientific Names of vegetables and fruits and also scientific names of plants if you like this post please share this post or comment below.
यह भी पढ़ें
* All Vegetables Name in Hindi – English| सब्जियों के नाम इंग्लिश – हिंदी में
* स्टीविया प्लांट | Stevia Plant in Hindi